
Suggestions, guidelines, and etiquette for writing.

A Thank-You Note Challenge: Transform Your Life in 30 Days

A Thank-You Note Challenge: Transform Your Life in 30 Days

Ever wondered if a small act of gratitude could change your life? Well, it’s time to find out! Welcome to…

The Ripple Effect: How One Thank-You Note Can Transform Lives

The Ripple Effect: How One Thank-You Note Can Transform Lives

In the bustling town of Maplewood, Emma was known for her kindness. She had a habit of doing little things…

Paying It Forward: How Your Thank-You Notes Can Spark a Chain Reaction of Kindness

Paying It Forward: How Your Thank-You Notes Can Spark a Chain Reaction of Kindness

Imagine receiving a thank-you note so unexpected and heartfelt that it makes you smile from ear to ear. Now, imagine…

Gratitude in the Digital Age: When to Send a Handwritten Note vs. an Email

Gratitude in the Digital Age: When to Send a Handwritten Note vs. an Email

Picture this: you receive a beautifully crafted handwritten note in the mail. It’s not a bill, not a flyer, but…

Gratitude Journaling: A Story of How Daily Focus Can Transform Your Mindset

Gratitude Journaling: A Story of How Daily Focus Can Transform Your Mindset

Jane was stuck. Not literally in quicksand or anything, but stuck in the mundane rut of life. She had a…

Why Empathy is Key to Resolving Customer Complaints and How to Develop It

Why Empathy is Key to Resolving Customer Complaints and How to Develop It

Customer service is the backbone of any successful business. It’s not enough to simply sell a great product or service;…

The Life-Changing Habit of Gratitude Journaling

The Life-Changing Habit of Gratitude Journaling

I used to be someone who focused on the negative aspects of my life. I would dwell on my problems…

Etiquette: Helpful Hints for Writing Proper Thank-You Notes

Etiquette: Helpful Hints for Writing Proper Thank-You Notes

Common mistakes to avoid and answers to FAQs about writing and sending thank-you notes.

10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Thank-You Note

10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Thank-You Note

Read on for specific tips and strategies for writing effective and meaningful thank-you notes, such as using specific language, personalizing…

The Art of Handwritten Thank-You Notes

The Art of Handwritten Thank-You Notes

Writing thank-you notes by hand is a lost art, but it is one that can bring a lot of joy…