Writing Thank-You Notes to Company Guest Speakers

By Billie •  Updated: 04/05/13 •  6 min read

When a guest speaker takes time out of their busy schedule to come speak at your company, it’s important to show them some appreciation. One of the best ways to do this is by sending a thoughtful thank-you note.

Why Write Thank-You Notes?

There are many reasons to write thank-you notes to company guest speakers. For one, it’s just plain polite! It shows that you value their time and expertise, and that you appreciate the effort they made to come speak to your team. Additionally, writing thank-you notes can help build relationships and foster goodwill. The speaker will likely remember your thoughtful gesture, and may be more willing to help out or collaborate in the future.

Tips for Writing Thank-You Notes

Here are a few tips for writing effective thank-you notes:

how to thank your company speakers with a written thank you note

Examples of Thank-You Notes to Company Guest Speakers

Not sure where to start? Here are a few examples of thank-you notes you could use:

“Dear [Speaker’s Name], I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for speaking at our company last week. Your insights and expertise were truly valuable, and I know that our team learned a lot from your presentation. I appreciate the time and effort you put into preparing and delivering your message, and I hope to have the opportunity to hear you speak again in the future.”

“Hi [Speaker’s Name], Thanks so much for coming to speak at our company last week. Your presentation was engaging and informative, and I know that our team got a lot out of it. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with us, and I hope to stay in touch.”

“Dear [Speaker’s Name], Thank you so much for taking the time to speak at our company last week. Your message was inspiring and thought-provoking, and I know that it will have a lasting impact on our team. I am grateful for your generosity in sharing your ideas and insights with us, and I hope to have the chance to hear you speak again soon.”

If you have the honor of hearing a guest speaker share their experiences and provide their strategies applicable to your company or to a select group of top performers, then by all means, extend a written thank-you note following their engagement.

Formal Written Template to Thank a Guest Speaker:

Guest Speaker from an Education Research Group

Company Name or Letterhead
City, State Zip


City, State Zip

Dear Ms. Groen:

Thank you for taking the time to fly to Brice County to share your research work with the educators in our school system. Your ideas on “active learning,” creativity, and multimedia interaction fascinated our group. Several members were particularly pleased to hear the positive effects these teaching methods had on the attitudes of the children involved in your research groups. We had no idea business and industry organizations were so heavily involved in research fields so closely related to ours.

Several members of the audience have expressed interest in hearing more about your work and will be recommending to their individual schools that you speak at other locations during their in-service training. You may be receiving calls from the various directors of curriculum throughout the year, and we hope you can speak to us again as your schedule permits.

Should there ever be an occasion for us to return the favour by actively participating in some of your research projects, we would be more than willing to do so. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your work with us in such an enlightening way.


Bob Newahark

Review of The Anatomy of a “Thank-You For the Speech” Letter:

  1. First, compliment the speaker
  2. [Optional] Elaborate and provide further examples of how useful or applicable the talk was to the company’s mission
  3. Testimony: Provide a supporting quotation or anecdote (from someone in attendance) affirming the talk
  4. Close with a brief thank-you and a warm compliment. You don’t need to go over-the-top.


[Opening and Thank-You, Compliment]:

On behalf of the stockholders at ABC Company, I would like to thank you for your speech yesterday afternoon. Several stockholders have called me this morning to say how much they agree with what you were talking about.

[Optional Elaboration]:

I was particularly pleased to hear that ABC Company is right on target with our mission statement concerning small businesses. The renewal of a solid economic base in the rural areas of the Midwest is the result of forward-looking people such as yourself and our board of directors.


Dr. Gene Fromme, one of our largest stockholders, spoke to me this morning and put it succinctly: “Mr. Thanh hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that the future is in small businesses.”

Please send me your expense report for immediate reimbursement. Include copies of receipts and and invoice number to facilitate this transaction.

[Thank You, Second Compliment]:

Thank you for your inspiring speech. It was our privilege to hear you.

Sincerely Yours,

Ray A. Dalio



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I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.