Thank-You Note For Encouragement During Campaign

By Billie •  Updated: 04/06/13 •  2 min read

Whether running for school president or vying for head of the neighbourhood watch, no winning candidate achieves anything on their own. Thank the people who have made all the difference, with this thank you note template.

Former US President Obama’s Thank You Speech for Campaign Workers


Thank You Note Template for Encouragement During Campaign or Teamwork Challenge



Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate all the words of encouragement to me during my year as president of the school board. As you well know, it’s impossible to keep all the people happy all the time. So I just settled, thanks to your advice, for keeping some of the people happy some of the time.

Seriously, this has been one of the most difficult, although rewarding, years of my life. I can’t thank you enough for giving me perspective on the big athlete expulsion issue we had back in October. And your input about the campus sculpture at Louis Junior High was totally on target; you helped me nip that one in the bud. Those long lunch hours with you helped preserve my sanity. And you do need a modicum of that (sanity) to run a school system these days!

I’m prone to become discouraged when I don’t feel as though people understand the bigger issues or appreciate the complexity of a problem. And when I become discouraged, I’m always tempted to hand someone else the baton and let them win the race. You must have intuitively known that; otherwise, how would you have known just when I needed a reassuring comment, card, or smile?

Please know that I owe you a great deal of the credit for what turned out to be a successful term on the board.




Thank-You Note for Sympathy or Support Extended

Thank You Notes for Friends

Thank You for Wedding Guests

One-Liner Thank You Notes for Everyday


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.