How to Appreciate Your Employees (Thank You Notes, Quotes)

By Billie •  Updated: 04/05/23 •  12 min read

According to the Employee Engagement Report of 2019, employees who don’t feel valued at work are 34% more likely to leave their companies. And 79% of people that did quit their job said it was due to “lack of appreciation” and 60% say they are more motivated by recognition than money.

Everyone likes to receive praise and it feels good to give it. The following sample letters are designed to promote goodwill among clients and employees, by acknowledging the helpful actions of your team members.

Feel free to use the samples below or to follow the general outline for writing an effective note of appreciation that conveys how valued your team members’ contributions are to the continued success of the company.

Specific Sample Thank-You Letters to an Employee

Writing an appreciation note to a superstar employee lets them know you are happy to repay all the consistent efforts, which have directly or indirectly contributed to the success of your project or company goals. If you are thanking an employee by giving them a bonus or a note of accomplishment, attach and customize a letter that looks something like this template:

Employee Appreciation Example 1: Thank an Employee for Conference Presentation

Dear Employee,

Thank you for the extra time and effort you spent beyond your paid hours to ensure that Networking Panda was successfully represented at this year’s South by Southwest conference. A cheque is enclosed as recognition of your superior work ethic and dedication to decentralized internet for everyone.

The sales of our instructional freedom book were 40 percent higher than we anticipated, a welcome boost to this year’s bottom line and a testament to your infectious enthusiasm for our project while at the conference. More importantly, Network Panda has gained new users and publicity thanks to your effective presentations.

Congratulations on a job well done.


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Employee Appreciation Example 2: Thank a New Employee for Productivity

Dear Employee Name,

On behalf of the entire team at our company, I would like to express our sincere admiration for your outstanding effort and achievement over such a short time. We appreciate the much-needed injection of enthusiasm into our weekly meetings since you have joined us. The endless hours you have spent working on Project A, and the professionalism with which you have conducted yourself, have immensely motivated the entire management team.

Thank you for making “going the extra mile” your standard.

Thank you once again for all your contributions.

Best regards,

Employee Appreciation Example 3: Thank an Employee For Handling a Huge Project Well

Dear Employee Name,

Thank you for the fantastic job you have been doing for our company on Project B. We migrated all of our massive data accounts without a second of downtime, which was the goal, but also a daunting prospect that you handled competently for maximum benefits.

You did an excellent job preparing your team members for the migration and familiarizing them with the new platform, which made a huge difference in the outcome of this endeavour. I know first-hand that they feel rewarded and recognized under your guidance.

As a token of gratitude, in addition to a salary increase from the next evaluation, we have decided to provide you an extra week of annual leave to be taken at your convenience. You are indeed an inspiration to us and definitely play an essential role in the company. Keep it up, and thank you once again!

With deep appreciation for your efforts,


Employee Appreciation Example 4: Thank an Employee For Covering Colleague’s Leave

Dear Employee,

I appreciate all your extra effort to cover twice the usual daily tasks while your colleague is away on leave. You deserve this token of appreciation for taking on these responsibilities and performing at the highest level.

I am aware of your complicated workload and to assume twice as much unfamiliar work in someone’s absence is admirable. People such as yourself who prefer to help out with some extra working hours, makes our company continue to thrive.

We are proud to have enthusiastic staff like you working with us and setting the standard high.


Employee Appreciation Example 5: Acknowledging an Official Employee Anniversary Boosts Morale

Dear Employee,

I want to personally congratulate you on such a significant year of the anniversary of your engagement with our company. We greatly appreciate your dedicated years of service and loyalty to our company.

Thank you for all your hard work, commitment, and invaluable contributions to this company, all of which are integral to our progress and success in this competitive space.

Thank you for all the little things you do each day as we serve the rural areas with pride and competence.


Thank-You Quotes for Employees from Managers

funny office coworker thanks

Employees are people, and people tend to perform better when they know that there actions mean something and are useful. We all want to lead a life of meaning. Never underestimate the power of a simple ‘thank you’ or acknowledgement of someone’s hard work; appreciation can go a long way in motivating and boosting productivity in the workplace and in cultivating good people.

  1. A good employee inspires the boss. Thanks for being my inspiration.
  2. Having you on the team is a matter of privilege for us. Thank you for all you do!
  3. It is the skill and foresight of employees like you who turn plans into success. 
  4. Thank you for your commitment to your job and the work you do to achieve our company goals. Your effort will not be forgotten at the year-end bonus party.
  5. Every idea shared and every opportunity seized by you helped us grow exponentially this year. Want to be a partner in the company?
  6. Very impressed this afternoon by your preparedness and enthusiastic delivery — you smashed that presentation out of the park! It was beautifully put together and well-researched.
  7. The way you took the lead in a situation when your team needed you was a phenomenal display of our company values. We’re so fortunate to have you on our team.
  8. Your positive attitude is contagious and it really embodies our company values. Thank you for all your hard work, and making it look easy!
  9. Thank you for always going above and beyond. We really appreciate what you do and wish everyone here would emulate your work ethic. Please enjoy this enclosed cheque.
  10. We really appreciate your contribution to the team. In a world of followers, we are lucky to have leaders like you creating with us — thanks!
  11. Your ability to identify problems enables us to solve them before they become insurmountable obstacles. Your kind of thinking really puts us ahead of the game. Thank you!
  12. Thanks for always striving to learn more, to be educated and empowered to take on more in your role with us. A quality we admire and appreciate!
  13. Yet again, I’m writing to thank you for going the extra mile with every little detail. The time and cost savings you provide are worth far more than this bonus cheque amount, but I hope you enjoy it.
  14. In case you think I didn’t notice, I did. You worked really hard on that last project, you put in long hours and many sleepless nights and your efforts are greatly appreciated by the entire company!
  15. Just want you to know, it has been such a pleasure working with you. 
  16. I appreciate all the information you shared in today’s meeting, it showed me how well-prepared you were at every step of the way.
  17. The new process you’ve created makes so much sense. Thanks to your insights, we are now on the road to more efficiency and growth. Thank you for applying your brilliance to this project.
  18. Well done for smashing that out the park on short notice! Your resourcefulness and commitment to the project is impressive.
  19. Your quality of work always exceeds expectations. You’re setting the bar high for everyone on the team; thank you for leading this project’s development.
  20. Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day. You inspire us all.
  21. I can see how hard you are working and what you are accomplishing for the long-term benefit of this company. I wanted to let you know that words can’t really capture my gratitude but know that I appreciate all that you are doing.
  22. I know the task is challenging but you have stepped up to the plate and made us all proud.
  23. We always try to hire the best and in you we have it! I guess this is less of a congratulations to you and more a pat on our own backs, eh? Thanks for your inner fire made manifest in the work we do together.
  24. Thanks for always going the extra mile, it is evident in your work.
  25. We appreciate all the overtime you have been putting in over the last couple of weeks, and especially appreciate the results of your late nights! It does not go unnoticed. Thank you!
  26. You are our momentum machine: you’re always on the lookout for new opportunities within your role and you’re continuously putting these new learnings to use at every chance you get. Thank you for leading this project!
  27. Thank you for always being so reliable, it is hard to find responsible people and I am fortunate that I can always count on you to be there and to do the work properly.
  28. You always pull through for your team. Thank you, from all of us.
  29. Just a note to say I appreciate you and the work you do for our company!
  30. As you know, being good at your job is often more than just doing a good job — it also requires teamwork and self-discipline, all of which you have mastered.
  31. Thank you — our company needed someone to step up and you did just that!! Where would we be without you?

Recognizing a Suggestion Made By an Employee

Thank You to Employees During Difficult Times

Small businesses everywhere have been punished by governmental restrictions and arbitrary closings. Small business owners and their staff have been hurt by regulations based on little more than repeated rhetoric and fear-based propaganda. The damage is done, and now it is time for businesses to resume their services for those that rely on them.

Thank you to our staff for their commitment to serving, and to their willingness to get off the couch despite the temptation to continue suckling from the parasitic government’s teat like spoiled children.


Employee Appreciation – Letter Outline

Step 1: The first part of the letter states your purpose

Depending on the reason for writing the letter, this may vary from complimenting an employee on an accomplishment to thanking them for their stellar attendance record.

Step 2: Details

The second part of the letter provides the details or background information for the first part. This may be anything from explaining why their actions were valuable or what benefit the company received from their efforts, and how the company is rewarding the employee as a token of appreciation.

Step 3: Summary

The last part of the letter acts as a summary, reminding the recipient of the general nature of the letter. It may be a thank you, or it may restate what has been said in the first part of the letter. For example, if the letter is congratulatory, the last part re-congratulates the recipient. Redundancy has no claim when it comes to praise. We all love to hear about how what we do, matters to someone; especially when that someone is in a position of authority.

50 Funny Thank You Notes – Say Thanks in a Funny Way

Thank You For Continued Business

Business Hospitality Thank You

Thank You Note for New Client

Thank-You For the Work Bonus

Saying “Thank-You” Increases Business Profits


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.